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The death of Happy Friday freed up plenty of time here at stately Tgreen Manor, and pretty quickly I realized that just doing the Greetings from Shokanaw strip wasn't enough. I decided a Top Ten List like I'd done in Happy Friday would be a good way to keep my mind working and it would be a source of new content for the Greetings from Shokanaw site. I also realized that a Top Ten List like I'd done in Happy Friday might turn out to be as terribly unfunny half the time here as it was there. Hence, the Shokanaw Index, which, in theory, didn't need 10 items each time out, and so it wouldn't need nearly the padding some of the old Top Ten Lists had. Check out the lists on the next page. There's a list with 9 items, a list with 12, and a whole assload of lists with 10. Does this mean I was just particularly brilliant in chunks of 10, or is the Top Ten List a hard habit to break? Only you, dear reader, can decide. But if after you read the lists you decide I was just brilliant in chunks of 10, I'm authorized to send you to your local mental health professional for a full evaluation. The Index is ordered from most recent at the top to the first list way at the bottom. It kind of counts down just like the lists themselves. Is this an extra clever twist or simply an example of lazy coding? Only you, dear reader, can decide. My God, I did the same joke twice in the span of seven sentences. Is the joke really that funny, or have I finally run out of ideas? Only you, dear reader...ah, skip it. Just click the button and read the damn lists already.
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