Some say I'm a fool, a crazy fanatic
a dreamer, a drifter and more
I guess it's true, I get ecstatic
for a new pair of boots
and the way out the door |
at the Treetop
Lounge we take a totally biased and semi-informed view
on everything from pop culture to politics. The Treetop
Lounge is
for entertainment purposes only. Please don't take anything
you see here too seriously, because life is short and baby, it's cold outside.*
* Actual coldness not guaranteed, sicne I know the Internet is a big place, but I was just outside and it's freezing here.
New this week:
New content coming soon. |
Wherein Tgreen wishes the blogosphere a Happy New Year, then drags it over here to share with everyone else. Now with cool pictures! |
New content coming soon. |
Wherein Tgreen gets cold and has a flashback to warmer days. |
New content coming soon. |
Wherein Tgreen uses the
Archives to dig up stuff best left buried, all in poorly-scanned
Xerox form. |
Wherein Tgreen
tries to make a quick buck. Now with links to Amazon! |
A blast from the past! From the
October 17, 1997 Happy
Tgreen's Top Ten Ways To Lose Your Job:
10. Hide under your desk and shout "Who goes there?" whenever anyone approaches
9. Prove yourself completely incompetent at every job in the company (Oh,
sorry, that's one of Tgreen's Top Ten Ways To Become A Manager)
8. Knit little sweaters for every stapler on your floor
7. Keep a hotplate on your desk and fry up some Spam for lunch every day
6. Hang nude photos of yourself in your cubicle
5. Whenever the boss comes near your desk, pick up the phone and pretend to
be having an argument with your cat
4. Hand out party noisemakers at every meeting to help people express
3. Arrive in your pajamas on casual day
2. Draw a chalk outline of a body on the floor of your cubicle and tell
everyone you can't discuss it because it's "police business"
1. Include the word "manifesto" in the title of every memo you write
"It is clear once again that President Obama is trying to pretend we are not at war."
Former Vice President Dick Cheney, once again mouthing off about the war that somehow he was unable to win in 8 years, but apparently expected President Obama to wrap up in 8 months. |

"I'm sorry. It's the coat. Its differentness is making me say things."
Better Off Ted