got problems; he's got problems; she's got problems; we've all got problems.
Nothing wrong with having a couple of problems. Problems are a dime a dozen.
But who's got solutions? Who can fix the problems? Who can give advice?
Who can take a sunrise, sprinkle it with dew? Cover it in chocolate and
a miracle or two...uh, wait a second, I got a little distracted there. But
if you've got problems and you're looking for answers, you came to the right
place. Just tell Uncle T what's bothering you and he'll give you just what
you need. |
the Archives: |
the Beach: |
Uncle T,
I was at a block party last week and I woke up the next morning in a strange
bed with a hot dog stuffed down the front of my underwear. What do I do?
in Boston |
Whatever you do, don't eat the hot dog. Other than that, you're on your
own, pal.
T |
Uncle T,
My girlfriend just told me she no longer wants to go out with me. She
says it's not me, it's her, and the best thing to do is never see each other again. I really love this girl, so what should I do?
in Alabama |
It's you. Get over it.
T |
Uncle T,
I'm going to a party this weekend and I'm not sure about the proper etiquette.
Should I bring a case of beer, or a bottle of good wine, or some really
nice bourbon I know the host will like?
in Queens |
T |
Uncle T,
I think I may have a phobia. Every time I see a commercial for the new season of
Jersey Shore show my heart starts racing and I have trouble breathing.
What does this mean?
TV Junkie |
TV Junkie,
There's two kinds of people in this world. People you want to spend time with, and people you don't want to spend time with. By definition, people you want to spend time with do not appear on "reality TV". Not ever. Not once. Not even by accident. So if you don't want to hang out with these people, why would you want to watch them on TV? Sure, by watching them on TV you have less risk of catching some disease off them. But still, it'll kill brain cells and there are way more fun and 80-proof ways to kill brain cells that don't require you to tune in to MTV. So that racing heart feeling is your body telling you to look away and forget any of this happened. Either that, or you've got a thing for fake tans, in which case I can't help you.
T |
Uncle T,
I'm having real problems at work. My boss is an idiot who doesn't know
what he's doing. And even worse, he walks around all day whistling and
humming until it's all I can do to keep myself from killing him. I can't
take it any more. What can I do?
Anonymous |
I can totally relate, pal. I've had some bad bosses in my day. I remember
this one time I was working, oh, I don't remember, somewere in the city.
And I was at this party one night drinking grain alcohol mixed with Hawaiian
Punch and playing quarters. Well around about 2 in the morning all of
a sudden I saw my beer can slide across the table under its own power.
Scared the crap out of me. I thought for sure I'd killed my last brain
cell that night. What a riot. Then I think I went to work the next day,
and my boss wasn't so much of an idiot. Or no, I think that was on a weekend.
And maybe I was in school when that happened. But yeah, you're screwed.
Might as well go out after work and have a drink. Or mix some grain alcohol
into your boss's mid-afternoon Sprite.
T |
Uncle T,
One of my testicles is larger than the other. Is this a problem?
Well, no two parts of the human body are exactly the same size. It's like,
have you ever gotten a woman into bed and grabbed onto her boobs and found
that one fit nicely into your hand and one maybe spilled out a little
bit? Either one of her boobs was bigger than the other or one of your
hands is smaller than the other (which might explain why you're the only
one who uses the word "mighty" when describing whatever the
hell is going on down there in your underwear zone). But really, if it's
a slight size difference that never changes, chances are it's no big deal
(which, be honest with Uncle T here, isn't the first time you've heard
the term "no big deal" when talking about the old underwear
zone). Now if one of those bad boys is the size of a ping pong ball and
the other is the size of a Christmas ham, or one is the size of a raisin
and the other has offered to split the rent with you next month, then
you might want to get that checked out. Now stop playing with your balls
while surfing my web site.
T |
Dear Uncle T,
I recently joined Facebook, looked up a bunch of old high school friends, sent friend requests to them, and got rejected by every last one. Why would they do this? I'm just a normal person looking to revisit some old friends. Why would nobody want to Friend me?
Friendless in Philly |
Dear Friendless,
To some people, high school was a pleasant time filled with great activities, learning experiences, and friendships that would last a lifetime. Those people are freaks. To the rest of us, high school was something to be survived and forgotten about as quickly as possible. So that innocent little friend request you sent either reminded people of the person who pantsed them in gym class, or the person they pantsed in gym class, and neither one is a memory an adult wants to keep carrying around. So go send Friend requests to your college buddies. They were probably too drunk to remember why they hated you back then, so maybe a couple of them will add you to their list.
Uncle T |
Uncle T,
I've been trying to date this girl I know from the neighborhood, but I
don't know how to approach her. What's the best way to introduce myself
without making her think I'm some kind of stalker?
TD, Alaska |
That reminds me of this one night, I was driving around with my friend
at like 4 in the morning while we were looking for a diner to have some
breakfast. I had a six pack in the back seat and some peppermint schnapps
in my jacket pocket. We were somewhere on the FDR and he starts telling
me about this girl he used to date and how she never said anything nice
about him when they went out together. So I asked him why he never dumped
her. And he said he did. So I told him to get off at the Houston
Street exit because I knew a place we could get good pancakes. But it
was closed, so we went home and I passed out for 13 hours. So, I don't
know, go get pancakes and see if you still want to go out with this girl.
Maybe the waitress will talk to you.
T |
Uncle T,
Every day my e-mail Inbox is filled with e-mails telling me that my penis
is tiny, or it doesn't work right, or it doesn't satisfy my wife. This
is starting to make me feel very self-consious every time I check my e-mail.
What can I do to stop this?
BN, Kansas City |
Seriously, who the hell are you to question the Internet? Don't you think
maybe you're getting all these e-mails for a reason? Go to the mirror
and look yourself square in the eye and ask yourself if it's really a
mystery why you're getting all these e-mails. And then once you've done
that, I think we all know the answer to your problems will be fairly obvious.
T |
Dear Uncle T,
Every morning I like to order a bagel with mayo on it. Why is this such a controversial choice?
Pale and carbo-loaded in NYC |
Dear Pale,
It's not controversial, just disgusting. So stop it right now before someone gets hurt. You probably put ketchup on a hot dog and mustard on a burger, don't you? Freak.
Uncle T |
Uncle T,
I'm hearing a voice in my head all the time. Whenever I get up to give
a speech, or answer some questions, or even whisper sweet nothings into
my wife's ear at night, there's always this other voice in my head telling
me what to do. It's really weird, and every day I'm afraid I'm having
a harder time hiding this problem from the people around me. What can
I do?
GB, Texas |
That voice isn't telling you to kill all your neighbors, is it? It doesn't
sound like Karl Rove, does it? Seriously, this reminds me of this one
time back in the late 80s when I could swear I heard some mysterious voice
yelling at me. This went on for hours, and I couldn't figure out where
the voice was coming from or who it was. Finally I realized it was my
boss yelling at me to wake up because I'd gone out drinking the night
before and had accidentally passed out at my desk. He told me to go home
and not come back until I had sobered up. But the joke was on him because
I'd lost my keys when I was out drinking so I just passed out in someone
else's cube for the rest of the day. So maybe you should stop drinking.
And if that doesn't help, maybe you should start drinking.
T |
Uncle T,
Recently I took a trip to Ireland and everyone I met there thought I was
gay. Since I'm not actually gay, this bothered me. Is there anything I
can do to keep this from happening the next time I take a trip?
FM, New York |
This one night I was hanging out and one of my friends started talking
about wine. Another friend shut him up real quick by telling him that
only gay men know anything about wine. This, of course, is crazy, since
anyone, gay or straight, can learn all about wine. They'll become a hopelessly
boring jackass as they drone on and on about it over dinner, but knowledge
about wine has nothing to do with sexual orientation. If you want to make
sure this doesn't happen to you again, next time you take a trip stop
trying to go down on every guy you meet and I guarantee you no one will think you're
T |
Uncle T,
This week I saw that Pixar film The Incredibles, and Elastigirl
gave me a warm and tingly feeling down deep in my underwear. Is that normal,
or is there something wrong with me?
RT, New York |
Let's think about this for a second. You're getting all hot and bothered
over a cartoon woman. A woman who's not real. A woman, therefore, who
you have exactly no chance at ever scoring with. And yet you prefer to
pursue that rather than spending time with real women. Who, come to think
of it, you also have exactly no chance at ever scoring with. Hmmm, this
one's tougher than I thought.
T |
2010 Tgreen and Treetop Graphics |