NaNoWriMo Day 3

By , November 4, 2009 1:49 am

Okay, so I’ve survived Day 3 and I’ve got 6,749 words written so far. I’m well ahead of schedule, which is a surprise considering I’ve thought about quitting pretty much since I first started writing on Sunday night. But I figure, I think about quitting my regular job at least once a day, so this is completely normal.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t really want to quit. I’m just already feeling the lack of sleep and lack of down time that comes from working a full day, commuting, and then banging out 2,000+ words every night. The television calls to me, that bastard, but so far I’m fighting the urge to give in. I even sacrificed a hockey game tonight for my 2,000 words, but I just checked the score and it looks like I didn’t sacrifice all that much after all.

What’s keeping me going is the one thing I least expected to see so early. I’ve actually got a story already. I figured that since I came into this on Sunday with exactly no preconceived notion of what I might write, I’d spend a couple of days screwing around with a character or two in hopes of coming up with something. And yet before I even reached 2,000 words the first night I had my story idea. And it’s the desire to see what happens next that’s going to help me ignore the TV when it calls. It’s going to make the sleep deprivation worth it. It will, I believe it.

I expect it’s only another couple of days before I’m feeling beat and I’ve got nothing to write and I’ll be on here complaining about that, but for right now, for tonight, it’s working and this was the best idea I could’ve had for the month of November. 6,749 words in 3 days. How cool is that?

Excerpt coming soon, I promise.

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