Are You Ready For Some Football?

By , September 12, 2010 8:08 am

Summer’s over and the football season is upon us. Sorry, Cleveland, but you knew it was coming. Now, the teams might be ready to play, but are you ready to watch? In case your summer left you unsure, you can figure it out by checking…

Tgreen’s Top Ten Ways To Tell You’re Ready For Some Football:
10. Had three erotic dreams about Terry Bradshaw last week
9. Wasted entire summer following the New York Mets
8. Blood/Nacho Cheese Sauce ratio finally shifted back in favor of “blood”
7. Sacked the guy at the coffee stand twice on Friday
6. Bought the new Madden game, already wore out the disc
5. Started charging a seat licensing fee for that brother-in-law who always hangs out at your house
4. Seriously considered getting your team colors tattooed on your face to save time
3. Slapped every coworker on the ass after every staff meeting since May
2. Changed your newborn’s diaper and almost spiked him
1. Restraining order Rex Ryan got against you is finally about to expire

Now hit that couch and watch some football!

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