Posts tagged: RC Cola

I Once Was Lost, But Now I’m Found

By , March 17, 2010 11:49 pm

Long-time readers of my various newsletter/email/website/blog ventures, and you can tell who they are by how quickly they’re powering down their computers upon reading the start of this sentence,may remember that every now and then I’d have some minor obsession with some food item from my youth, and then I’d torture everyone I knew until somehow, someone could satisfy that obsession. It happened with Chocodiles. It happened with RC Cola. It happened with Boo Berry. And, most famously, it happened with Quisp.

Now, it’s been a couple of years since I had a Chocodile (and the last batch I had were courtesy of Eric “Biff” Preston, to whom I owe much gratitude). RC Cola is available out in the Poconos, so that’s not hard to get (and in fact I’ve got 2 2-liters of it sitting downstairs waiting for the right time to crack them open). Boo Berry turns up like clockwork around Halloween (though if they really want to impress me, they’ll bring this back one of these days). So basically, Quisp was the difficult one. Back in the mid-90s it was available as some discount bagged cereal under the fake name Sweet Crunch. And then it was briefly packaged as a Cap’n Crunch variation called Galactic Crunch, which was basically Quisp with marshmallows. But the cheap bagged cereal went away, as did the Galactic Crunch, leaving me permanently Quisp-less.

Until last month, when this happened:



More Quisp!

More Quisp!

Yes, apparently Quisp is back in stores. And I had some. And it was good. So now I wait to see which happens first. The miraculous return of Quake, the even more miraculous return of Orange Quangeroos, or the removal of Quisp from store shelves for another decade.

But now, while I wait for the day Chocodiles are once again available on store shelves on the East Coast, I must try to figure out the next junk food obsession. Oh wait, I think I already have

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