Posts tagged: yogi bear

Smarter Than the Average Movie Poster?

By , August 8, 2010 11:51 pm

Could this possibly be the dirtiest movie poster for a mainstream movie? I think it just might be:

It’s almost like the studio knows the worst possible movie idea would be to make a CGI, 3D version of Yogi Bear, but they did it anyway, and so the only way to try and get out from under that turd burger is to make a promo poster that’s so disturbing, it immediately burns itself into your retinas and ensures that if nothing else, you’re aware that this movie exists. Now parents, if you’re wondering what to say if your kids ask, “What’s Yogi doing to Boo Boo?”, I can’t help you. You’re on your own there. Mostly because I don’t want to believe what this picture makes me suspect, but that tagline really kind of seals the deal, doesn’t it?

A common meme when the Star Wars prequels were coming out and disappointing legions of fans was the idea that “George Lucas raped my childhood.” I scoffed at anyone who said anything like that back then. But if anyone wanted to start complaining about their childhood getting raped by this movie, I’m not sure what I’d say. I mean, this picture kind of looks like my childhood is actually raping my childhood, and that creates a feedback loop of disturbing thoughts that no one should have to confront. Basically, if any Yogi Bear image anywhere can cause for even a moment the word “reacharound” to be pondered, something has gone totally awry. No wonder I hardly ever go to the movies anymore.

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